
Local Florists

Local Florists

Below is a list of local flower shops and their contact information if you would like to send flowers.

We do not sell flowers on our website or through our funeral home, as we feel that flowers should be ordered directly from a local florist. This way, your money goes further and you are supporting local businesses because the funeral home and other third parties do receive commissions just for referring customers or placing an order on the internet.

Be aware that there are many advertisements in the phonebook for florists and many are not local businesses. They take your order and forward it on to a local florist, while adding to your cost to pay for their services. By ordering directly from a local florist, you avoid these additional fees.

Listed alphabetically below are local florists and flower shops in Faribault. The Boldt Funeral Home does not receive any monetary commission from the businesses listed below.

If you are an area florist and your business is not listed below, please let us know.

Bloom Floral Designs
408 Central Avenue N. Suite A
Faribault, MN 55021
Phone: (507) 332-9999


Deerfield Rustics Floral

Fareway Floral
430 2nd Avenue N.W.
Faribault, MN 55021
Phone: (507) 334-1661

HyVee Floral
1920 Grant Street N.W.
Faribault, MN 55021
Phone: (507) 334-1757

Boldt Funeral Home & Cremation Services
Phone: (507) 334-4481
300 Prairie Avenue S.W.
Faribault, MN 55021

Contact Us

PHOTO CREDIT: Audrey Helbling and Katie Brien

© Boldt Funeral Home
Crafted with care by Frazer Consultants and TA

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